BS IEC 62534:2010 pdf download - Radiation protection instrumentation — Highly sensitive hand-held instruments for neutron detection of radioactive material

BS IEC 62534:2010 pdf download – Radiation protection instrumentation — Highly sensitive hand-held instruments for neutron detection of radioactive material

BS IEC 62534:2010 pdf download – Radiation protection instrumentation — Highly sensitive hand-held instruments for neutron detection of radioactive material
Provisions shall be made to permit testing of visual and/or sound warning indicators without the use of radiation sources. Alarm threshold values shall be calculated by the instrument automatically using background measurements and user definable alarm factors.
4.3 Basic information
4.3.1 Documentation supplied The manufacturer shall provide instrument performance specifications and instructions for operation. See Clause 8 for details.
4.3.2 Radiation detector Manufacturer provided information shall describe the radiation detector types used for neutron detection and the personal protection alarm (e.g., 3 He, GM). For gas-filled counter tubes the internal pressure shall be stated by the manufacturer. The instrument’s fluence response to bare and moderated 252 Cf shall be stated by the manufacturer.
4.3.3 Size The dimensions of the instrument shall be specified by the manufacturer with maximum dimensions of 350 mm × 200 mm × 1 50 mm excluding the handle.
4.3.4 Weight The weight or mass of the instrument shall be specified by the manufacturer and should be less than 5 kg. 4.4 Operating modes 4.4.1 Monitor mode The instrument shall have the ability to monitor the area surrounding the instrument for changes in radiation levels that may be caused by a source passing through the area. This shall be done without actions by the user and shall work autonomously. The user shall have the ability to select whether the alarm will be silent or audible, and visual or not.
4.4.2 Search mode The instrument shall have a search function that is activated by the user. The instrument shall provide an audible and visual indication when operated in search mode. Audible and visual indications shall be related to the magnitude of the radiation field (e.g., increasing frequency or pitch of beep tone with increasing radiation signal) for eyes-free searching and localization.
4.4.3 Integration mode The instrument shall have the ability to integrate counts for an extended period of time. The start and end of the integration time shall be user activated with the accumulated counts displayed as the measurement proceeds. An alarm shall be provided based on theaccumulated counts. The integrated mode alarm method shall be described by themanufacturer.
The instrument shall have an access-controlled, menu-driven mode that will allow personnelto check and perform adjustments as needed to calibrate the instrument as well as makeadjustments to factors that can control the response of the instrument.
4.6Communication interface
The instrument shall have the ability to transfer data to another device such as a personalcomputer. The manufacturer shall provide a full description of the transfer data format.”XML”format based on ANSI N42.42 is recommended.
4.7User interface
The following are considered essential or desirable:a) the following shall be provided:
– simple to use for non-expert users and user-friendly controls for routine operation,
neutron radiation alarms with visual and audible alarms,
display that provides a method to track radiation levels when operating in the “search”mode,
display that provides a real-time radiation level indication that can be viewed whenoperating in the “monitor” mode,
audible and/or visual indication that is related to the magnitude of the radiation field(e.g.,increasing frequency or pitch of beep tone with increasing radiation signal) foreyes-free searching and localization,
readable display in all lighting conditions including darkness,
protection of the setting of all operational parameters, if available,
controls and switches that are designed in a way to minimize accidental operation,diagnostic capabilities,
– indication of battery status, and
– the capability to operate if the user is wearing gloves.b) the following should be provided:
– silent alarms for covert operation such as vibration alarm and/or earphone connection
with an adjustable volume to cope with the large variations in human hearingsensitivity and noise level.BS IEC 62534 pdf download.

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