IEC 62533:2010 pdf download - Radiation protection instrumentation – Highly sensitive hand-held instruments for photon detection of radioactive material

IEC 62533:2010 pdf download – Radiation protection instrumentation – Highly sensitive hand-held instruments for photon detection of radioactive material

IEC 62533:2010 pdf download – Radiation protection instrumentation – Highly sensitive hand-held instruments for photon detection of radioactive material
4.6Warm-up time
The manufacturer shall state the time required for the instrument to become fully functional.The maximum time shall be less than 2 min. lf the device includes limited spectrometricfeatures, up to 5 min is allowed for stabilization.An indication shall be provided to the userduring the period the instrument is not fully ready.
4.7 Markings
All external instrument controls,displays,and adjustments shall be identified as to theirfunction. Internal controls needed for operation shall be identified through markings andidentification in technical manuals. External markings shall be easily readabie andpermanently fixed under normal conditions of use.
4.7.2Exterior markings
The following markings shall appear on the exterior of the instrument or each major assembly(e.g., detector probe) as appropriate:
manufacturer and model number,unique serial number,
location of the reference point, and
function designation for controls, switches, and adjustments that are not menu or softwaredriven.
4.8Power supply4.8.1 Requirements
Instruments shall be equipped with a test circuit or other visible direct indicator of batterycondition for each battery circuit.
The manufacturer shall state the expected continuous operating time using the recommendedbatteries and the conditions (functional and environmental) used to determine this time.
4.8.2External Dc or Ac power
The instrument shall be capable of operating from an external DC or AC source.Adequateprotection from reverse polarity,over-voltage,and electrical noise shall be provided.DC orAc power sources may include:
a) Nominal 1 2 V DC as would be obtained from a 1 2 V vehicle electrical system.
b) A portable battery pack, such as one that can be worn, that supplies 4 V to 28 V DC.
c) A regulated 1 2 V DC power supply operating from mains power.
d) A single-phase 1 00 V to 240 V AC and 50 Hz to 60 Hz.
4.9 Protection of controls
Switches and other controls should be designed to minimize or prevent inadvertent deactivation or improper operation of the instrument.
4.1 0 Photon ambient dose equivalent rate indication
The instrument shall provide an indication of the ambient dose equivalent rate.
4.1 1 Alarms
4.1 1.1 Source indication alarm
A source indication alarm shall be provided when the measured ambient dose equivalent rate or count rate is above the instrument alarm threshold. This alarm threshold shall be calculated by the instrument automatically from background measurements using techniques such as a user definable dose equivalent rate increment, count rate increment or a multiplier value applied to the standard deviation of the measured background. The alarm shall be visua l and/or audible (or by vibration) . It shall not be possible to switch off all alarm indicators at the same time.
4.1 1.2 Personal protection alarm An alarm shall be provided to alert the user that the indicated ambient dose equivalent rate is above a user-selected threshold level. The alarm shall be both visual and audible (or by vibration), and shall be adjustable through the restricted mode. The alarm shall have an “acknowledge” or other similar control to silence the audible function. It shall not be possible to switch off all alarm indicators at the same time. This alarm shall be different or distinguishable from the source indication alarm. The personal protection alarm shall be functional over the stated range of the instrument.
4.1 2 Effective range of measurement The effective photon energy response range shall be stated by the manufacturer, and shall include the range from 45 keV to 1 ,5 MeV. The manufacturer shall also state the range for photon ambient dose equivalent rate measurement. The range shall be at least from 0,02 μSv h –1 to 1 0 μSv h –1 . 4.1 3 Angular dependence The manufacturer shall state the angular dependence of the instrument.
4.1 4 Explosive atmospheres The manufacturer shall state as to whether the instrument is certified for use in explosive atmospheres. The manufacturer shall provide a certificate to show compliance when certification is claimed.
4.1 5 Indication features The instrument shall provide an indication of its operational status and alarm condition. The user shall have the ability to select the visibility of the status indication.IEC 62533 pdf download.

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