IEC 60704-2-2:2009 pdf download - Household and similar electrical appliances – Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise – Part 2-2: Particular requirements for fan heaters

IEC 60704-2-2:2009 pdf download – Household and similar electrical appliances – Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise – Part 2-2: Particular requirements for fan heaters

IEC 60704-2-2:2009 pdf download – Household and similar electrical appliances – Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise – Part 2-2: Particular requirements for fan heaters
The noise emission shall be determined with the appliance at the highest speed setting and maximum heating for normal permanent use. Oscillating mechanism, if any, shall be switched on.
NOTE Other possible speed settings ( minimum heat output, boost position,…) can be measured in addition. The respective noise levels should be linked to the relevant heat output. Appropriate adjustment of air intake or exhaust openings shall be done taking into account manufacturer’s instructions if any, or otherwise selecting the configuration that gives the highest noise emission.
6.4.3 Not applicable
6.5 Location and mounting of appliances
6.5.1 Addition: The tests under the conditions stated in Subclause 6.5.3 shall be repeated for floor standingappliances which may be placed either against or away from the wall. For such appliances both sets of results shall be recorded and the measurement that gives highest noise is then chosen.
6.5.2 Not applicable
6.5.3 Replacement: For measurements on floor-standing appliances intended for placing against a wall, including those for building in, a vertical reflecting plane having an acoustic absorption coefficient of less than 0,06 must be used. When measurements are made in a reverberation test room, a part of the wall of the room will serve for this purpose. The minimum area of this part of the wall should be determined by the projection of the appliance extended by at least 0,5 m upwards and to both sides. The minimum distance between any surface of the appliance or its cabinet and the nearest corner of the room shall be 1 m. When measurements are made in a free-field environment, the size of the vertical reflecting plane (supported by the horizontal reflecting plane) shall be at least equal to the size of the projection of the measurement surface. For both types of test environment the following requirements shall be complied with:
– the appliance shall be placed in the test environment without any resilient means of support other than those incorporated in the appliance;
– care should be taken to avoid any direct contact between the appliance (including protruding parts, worktops, spacers, etc.) and the vertical reflecting wall; – the distance between the wall and the appliance shall be established by placing the appliance in direct contact with the wall and moving it away for a distance not exceeding 1 0 cm ± 1 cm.
6.5.4 Modification: The height of the lowest edge of the appliance from the floor shall be 25 cm ± 1 cm. NOTE For appliances intended for mounting close to the ceiling with the air stream directed towards the floor, measurements problems may be caused when the appliance is mounted as specified in Subclause 6.5.4. It may be necessary to mount such an appliance in an inverted position, with the top of the appliance facing towards the floor at a height of 0,25 m, or at the distance specified by the manufacturer for mounting close to the ceiling. The
manufacturer’s approval must be obtained before operating the appliance under the proposed test conditions.
6.5.5 Modification:
Built-in heaters such as plinth heaters shall be installed according to manufacturers instructions.
7 Measurement of sound pressure levels
This clause of part 1 is applicable except as follows:
7.1 Microphone array, measurement surface and R.S.S. location for essentially free-field conditions over reflecting plane(s)
During measurements, care shall be taken to prevent direct blowing to the microphones.
7.1.3 Not applicable
7.1.5 to 7.1 .6 Not applicable
7.4 Measurements
7.4.1 Addition:
The time-averaged A-weighted sound pressure levels shall be measured during at least 30 s and including complete cycles (at least two cycles) of the oscillating mechanism, if any.
7.4.4 Not applicable
8 Calculation of sound pressure and of sound power levels
This clause of part 1 is applicable.
9 Information to be recorded
This clause of part 1 is applicable except as follows:
9.7 Electric supply, water supply etc.
9.7.2 to 9.7.4 Not applicable
9.1 2 Measurement data
9.1 2.5 Not applicable
10 Information to be reported
This clause of part 1 is applicable except as follows:

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