IEC 62416:2010 pdf download - Semiconductor devices – Hot carrier test on MOS transistors

IEC 62416:2010 pdf download – Semiconductor devices – Hot carrier test on MOS transistors

IEC 62416:2010 pdf download – Semiconductor devices – Hot carrier test on MOS transistors
1 Scope
This standard describes the wafer level hot carrier test on NMOS and PMOS transistors. The test is intended to determine whether the single transistors in a certain (C)MOS process meet the required hot carrier lifetime.
2 Abbreviations and letter symbols
In this document the following abbreviations and letter symbols apply:
MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor
NMOS n-channel MOS transistor
PMOS p-channel MOS transistor
(C)MOS Complementary MOS
L [μm] length of polysilicon gate of MOS transistor
W [μm] width of polysilicon gate of MOS transistor
L nominal [μm] minimum L allowed by the design rules of the process
W nominal [μm] minimum W allowed by the design rules of the process
V gs [V] gate-source voltage of MOS transistor
V ds [V] drain-source voltage of MOS transistor
V bs [V] backgate-source voltage of MOS transistor
I ds [μA]: drain-source current of MOS transistor
I b [μA] substrate current of MOS transistor
I g [nA] gate current of MOS transistor
V gs,stress [V] V gs biasing condition during hot carrier stress
V ds,stress [V] V ds biasing condition during hot carrier stress
V ds,use_max [V] maximum V ds allowed by the design rules of the process as stated in the design manual
V ds,breakdown [V] V ds at which avalanche or punch-through currents become dominant;
defined as V ds at which I ds = 1 ,5 × (I ds at V ds,use_max ) while V gs = V ds,use_max V t [V] threshold voltage of MOS transistor defined as V gs voltage at which I ds = 0,01 × W / L [μA]. Other (commonly agreed) definitions of V t are also allowed as long as this is clearly reported.
g m [μA/V] transconductance of MOS transistor
g m,max [μA/V] maximum transconductance of MOS transistor
I ds,sat [μA] saturated drain-source current at V gs = V ds = V ds,use_,max ; I ds,sat_forward measured with source and drain having same polarity as during stress, I ds,sat_reverse measured with source and drain polarity interchanged with respect to stress.
L( MOST) length of the square MOS transistor (L = W)
g m,max ( MOST) g m,max of the square MOS transistor (L = W)
3 Test structures For the evaluation of the hot carrier degradation vulnerability of a technology, nominal transistors (L = L nominal ) are recommended. The following gate lengths are recommended when lifetime extrapolation versus L is needed (see 9.1 ): L = 1 ,0 × L nominal , L = 1 ,5 × L nominal , L = 2,0 × L nominal , L = 5,0 × L nominal , L = W. Gates and sources of the transistors may be combined to reduce the number of bond pads required for these test structures. Typical values for W are 1 0 μm for L nominal < 1 μm, and 20 μm for L nominal ≥ 1 μm. A transistor with small W (e.g. W = L nominal ) can be used to evaluate the occurrence of potential ‘narrow width’ effects. The nominal transistor shall be placed with various orientations on the wafer (e.g. one with the orientation of its gate parallel to the flat of the wafer and one with its gate orientation perpendicular to the flat) whenever asymmetry effects due to ion implantation are expected. 4 Stress time Typically 40 000 s (one night), in some ‘low voltage’ cases 200 000 s (1 weekend); readpoints logarithmically spaced (at least 3 per decade). Stress times shall be chosen such that the degradation exceeds at least 20 % of the maximum value for the selected failure criterion (see Clause 8).

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