IEC 80000-6:2008 pdf download - Quantities and units – Part 6: Electromagnetism

IEC 80000-6:2008 pdf download – Quantities and units – Part 6: Electromagnetism

IEC 80000-6:2008 pdf download – Quantities and units – Part 6: Electromagnetism
1 Scope
In IEC 80000-6 names, symbols, and definitions for quantities and units of electromagnetism are given. Where appropriate, conversion factors are also given.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60027-1 :1 992, Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology – Part 1: General
IEC 60050-1 1 1 , International electrotechnical vocabulary – Part 111: Physics and chemistry
IEC 60050-1 21 , International electrotechnical vocabulary – Part 121: Electromagnetism
IEC 60050-1 31 , International electrotechnical vocabulary – Part 131: Circuit theory
ISO 31 -0:1 992, Quantities and units – Part 0: General principles (under revision)
ISO 80000-3:2006, Quantities and units – Part 3: Space and time
ISO 80000-4:2006, Quantities and units – Part 4: Mechanics
3 Names, symbols, and definitions
The names, symbols, and definitions for quantities and units of electromagnetism are given in the tables on the following pages.

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